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grical.realraum.at !realraum | !r3extern 2025-02-28 2025-06-28 Add to google calendar
Samstag, 29th Mrz
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This is the international day of the open hackerspace!!

So of course, realraum is open as always and welcomes guests. In addition, members will show off their projects.

Stop by, Say Hi!
realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
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MPI: Wos is des?

Was ist das Message Passing Interface und was kann man damit machen? Diese Frage und mehr wird in diesem Vortrag beantwortet. Vorneweg, MPI ist ein Standard um Nachrichten in einem verteilten System zu verschicken.
Zusätzlich wird es auch eine Art Show-n-Tell werden, wo ich euch erzählen werde wie ich einen kleinen Cluster aufgesetzt und betrieben habe. Der Vortrag ist Teil des Tag des offenen Hackerspaces.

Dauer: ca. 30 min.
Realraum, LoTHR
Dienstag, 1st Apr
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Based on our engaging discussion during our last session of PyGRAZ lightning talks, we are going to take a closer look at when object-relation mappings (ORMs) can help, and when they can get in the way of expressing clear and concise database interactions.

First, Dorian Santner shows how Django models can map database tables to Python objects. From that, a few lines of code are enough to build a simple application using the Django admin that lets your create, read, update and delete (CRUD) data. This includes filtering and searching larger lists of data.

Next, Thomas explains how build database views using Django's raw SQL connections. Database views can combine data from multiple tables in a way that makes it easier to integrate them into business intelligence (BI) tools such as Grafana. While such queries can also be phrased using Django's ORM, they tend to be harder to create, understand and maintain than plain SQL.
47.06554887530649, 15.450591444969549
Freitag, 4th Apr
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Welcome to the 4th of an increasingly regular series of small talks in realraum.
The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.

Ever wondered if you could bring an old mass spectrometer back to life? Well, that’s exactly what this project was all about! With a mix of DIY repairs, scavenged parts, and a whole lot of learning, the API2000 tandem mass spectrometer got a second chance.

From fixing a corroded interface heater to tracking down the right software (hello, Windows XP nostalgia!), every step was a challenge. But in the end, the first tests were a success – including injecting coffee to confirm the presence of caffeine (because, of course, coffee had to be involved).

The journey doesn’t stop here. Next steps? Diving into deeper mathematical concepts, experimenting with blood analysis, and pushing the API2000 to its limits.
realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
Montag, 14th Apr
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Achtung, UTC 18h -->
19h im Winter nach Europe/Vienna Zeittone
20h im Sommer nach Europe/Vienna Zeittone
Brockmanngasse 15
Freitag, 2nd Mai
to Sonntag, 4th Mai
 all day
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IT-Syndikat c/o Cunst & Co
Tschamlerstraße 3
A-6020 Innsbruck
Samstag, 10th Mai
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The hams are meeting up. Antennas are being built.
Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
Samstag, 17th Mai
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FH Joanneum
Samstag, 24th Mai
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der realraum wird 18!!!! Save the Date! We will Party!
Brockmanngasse 15,
8010 Graz