Re(Share|Make|Think) Party

Reformieren wir das Urheberrecht in Europa. Machen wir eine Party!

Was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun?

Party Party Party!!!

am Samstag den 19.11. im realraum in der Brockmanngasse 15

Wie Ihr fragt immer noch?

Kommt vorbei!!

Party ! Party ! Party ! Party !

Immer noch hartnäckig am Kern der Sache interessiert?

Also gut.

Diesen Samstag, den 19.11.2016 ab 20:00 steigt im realraum eine große Party für Maker, Sharer und Denker.
Für Kreative die Schaffen! Ihre Erfahrung, Wissen und Werkzeuge mit der Allgemeinheit teilen, dabei an Dich und
die Welt denken und so auch Dir ermöglichen kreativ tätig zu werden, ohne die Fesseln eines nicht mehr zeitgemäßem
Urheberrechts. Damit z.b. solcher Wahnsinn endlich ein Ende hat.

Werde aktiv, kreativ und feier mit uns!

Essen solange vorhanden.

Update: Fotos vom Event

Unified Hackerspace Event Calendar

Abroad in Europe? Touring all the Hackerspace? Want to know where stuff is happening and when?

Check out the CCC Spaces Calendar Map

Shortly after discussing the idea at Geekend16, an awesome person at CCC created this even more awesome calendar event aggregator for CCC associated hackerspaces. It works by grabbing calendar and location information from SpaceAPI.

Visiting IRNAS

Last Friday we went on an afternoon trip to the nice city of Maribor in Slovenia, less than one car hour from Graz, to met Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow Luka and Boštjan of IRNAS, their Institute for development of advanced applied systems Rače and watch dem develop Open Source Hardware as well as do some DIY BioHacking.

Check out our gallery and see some nice photos of their DIY BioLab, the hardware developement lab and the newest Koruza Prototypes.

IRNAS is located on the 2nd level of the Creative center Tkalka, right in the city center. The building also hosts a big CoWorking Space and an even more impressig Fab Lab, the Kreator:Lab. There is even a small beer lab.

Some Projects of note:irnas_2016-11-04_15h03m09_maribor_slovenia_dsc-hx90v-me

Koruza: Is an IRNAS developed open-hardware free-space optical network system, which connects your network via a 1 Gbps laserlink

SafeCast: is an open-hardware geiger counter, already well known of the SafeCastMap

GoodEnoughCNC Family: is a three axis system used in 3D Printer projects like the Troublemaker or cheap CNC mills or even a DIY plasma cutter.