Saving power of powerful printers

At home, my Samsung laser-printer uses 15W during standby. So, a few years back, in order to save power, I put it on a USB-controlled power-plug. Pretty soon I added a tiny script that would query cups if a print-job was queued and would switch the printer on and afterwards off again. It turned out to be a pretty effective power saving measure.


Our two very big and reliable printers at realraum were even more power hungry, so I wanted to to something similar for the space.

Using the hardware I had on hand, I cobbled together the following:

* A BeagleBone Green to act as cups print-server and to run the python scripts.
* An empty 230V power-plug case, housing a 5V power-supply (for the BB) and a small opto-coupler isolated relay to switch the plug.
* A second power-plug case with a second small opto-coupler isolated relay.

While there is a lot of room for optimization, like a leaner BeagleBone image and better housing for the power-plugs, printing- and power-saving-wise it works very well.

As always you can find our code on Github. Stay tuned for updates.

Laser Engraved Zippo

Engraving Metal
1: Engraving Metal

Years ago we got some horribly expensive foil needed to engrave metal using our laser-cutter. Today is, as far as I know, our first attempt to actually use it.

People always seem to search for a lighter, but then forget to put them back. As a result, even the safely stored ones can never be found when a Bunsen needs to be lit (which we actually have an Piezo for that the evil smokers don’t want to steal) or a flame is needed for some project.

Reason enough to make a big deal out of nothing and sponsor an old but sturdy quality Zippo and mark it permanently with the r3 Logo!

Obviously the Zippo was empty. Just to be safe.

finished engraving with foil still attached
2: finished engraving with foil still attached

Afterwards the burned foil needs to be removed and the surface cleaned.

Finished is the engraved lighter. Not so bad for a first attempt, even though the result could be even nicer. Laser-speed was set to 10mm/s and power to 100% of the 60W.

Not to self for next time: don’t trust the red positioning dot without checking if it still corresponds to the actual laser position. The graphic was offset by a few mm. Still worked out though.

Works! The final working result is now stored in the drawer in Masha. As engraved on the lighter. :-) The lighter fluid is right across from it on the shelf.

Have fun and put it back!

Finished Engraving
3: Finished Engraving
r3 Lighter
4: r3 Lighter
stored in MaSha
5: stored in MaSha

Ein typischer Sonntag im r3

Teilweise ist es etwas schwer mitzubekommen was sich im realraum so tut,
denn es tut sich praktisch jeden Tag immer ein bisschen etwas. Je nachdem wer da ist,
wird an dem einen oder anderen Projekt gearbeitet.

Daher mag ich hier mal kurz auflisten was sich heute so an einem ganz normalen Sonntag getan hat,
das mich (mit)betroffen hat und daher ein kleiner aber feiner Ausschnitt davon ist, was heute passiert ist.

LaserVentilationIndicator.JPG DeadPersonButtonLabel.JPG r3LEDLamp.jpg Schleimpilz wpid-dsc_7254-1543221624.jpg
LaserVentilationIndicator DeadPersonButton Labels r3 Logo LED Fluter Schleimpilz Bioreaktor
  • Bug in der Laserlüftungsindikatoranimation auf der LED Pipe gefixt.
  • Zwei Lasercuttereinschulungen gegeben
  • den Laser-Dead-Person Button der regelmäßig betätigt werden muss, besser und deutlicher beschriftet. Außerdem die Wiki Beschreibung für den Laser aktualisiert.
  • Ein LED Außen-Flutlicht montiert, das jetzt unser LOGO erhellt!
  • an einem Printer-Server-Beaglebone-Image für unseren Laserjet 8000 gearbeitet
  • OLGA Treffen mit Einführungstalk in DDD’s Schleimpilzprojekt.
  • Basteln einer Box für eine LED Wort Uhr
  • Basteln an Kisteneinsätzen für die Wurmfarm
  • Etwas aufgeräumt

Nebenbei wurde noch über Amateurfunk, Weltraumtechnologie, Kryptographie, Prüfungen und Molekularbiologie gesprochen, doch das hab ich nur mit einem 1/4 Ohr mitbekommen.

Nehmt micht aber nicht beim Wort, sondern schaut an einem beliebigen Abend einfach mal selbst bei der Tür herein! :-)